Bankruptcy isn’t the end
When you have the right legal counsel, it’s actually the beginning.
The key is to have a smart, experienced, responsive bankruptcy lawyer on your side—a creative, well-connected
lawyer who isn’t afraid of tough issues and will help fix tougher circumstances, a lawyer who is well qualified
to walk you through the difficult bankruptcy landscape to reach financial wellness.
R.L Scott provides legal counsel and representation for business owners and professional practices seeking protection
from creditors through Chapter 11, Chapter 12, and Chapter 13. We work with business entities, professional
practices, and family and incorporated farms, throughout North Carolina
Over 44 years experience. An average of 20 bankruptcies filed per year. Overwhelmingly favorable client experiences.
Discharging Tax Debt
If you’re a business owner with state or federal tax problems and are considering filing for bankruptcy, you need experienced legal counsel. Bankruptcy laws regarding tax debt are complex, and certain back taxes and penalties may be discharged or reduced. We can help you navigate the complexities of both bankruptcy law and tax law, so you can get through this point of pain.
- Legal counsel and representation for business owners, family and incorporated farms, and professional practices
- Bankruptcy litigation
- Bankruptcy law with tax debt
- Financial analysis and advice
- Bankruptcy reorganization
- Debt restructure
Bankruptcy Defense Litigation For Creditors
We protect creditors, too. Creditors have legal rights protecting their financial interests when a business or farm debtor files a petition for bankruptcy relief. R L Scott handles bankruptcy litigation matters for creditors, including objections to discharge and defense of avoidance claims.